Problems from AUST Programming Lab 2 Selection Contest 1

These problems are from a contest hosted on June 9, 2021 at 1:30 PM UTC. See details...

A. Help Akash Vai
Akash vai is one of the best Competitive Programmers of AUST. He loves to solve Number Theory, Dynam...
B. Bro Needs Help
According to Goldbach's Conjecture any even number greater than 2 can be represented by sum of two p...
C. Easiest Query Problem
A permutation of length n is an array consisting of n distinct integers from 1 to n in arbitrary ord...
D. Guess the Number
This is an interactive problem. Alam has hidden an integer Xwhere the value of X is in between 1 t...
alamkhan Moderate 4/7/29
E. Adventure of a Mouse
A mouse once decided to visit a friend. The mouse lives in S and its friend lives in T. The only str...
pz1971 Moderate 4/6/9
F. Planet of Aliens
Mr. Rifat lands on a planet to take some aliens with him to the earth. The planet has 52 countries. ...
S_Rifat Moderate 2/14/29
G. K Length Palindrome
One day Shoaib was solving a string problem. He managed to solve the problem after some time. But th...
H. Alam's Trial
Tashfiq always tries to test how fast his team mate Alam can solve problem. So far Alam has never di...
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