Problems from 4th CPU CSE Programming Contest

These problems are from a contest hosted on August 6, 2019 at 4:50 AM UTC. See details...

A. Islamic University, Bangladesh
Islamic University is ranked as one of the top public universities in Bangladesh as well as the larg...
Very Hard 15/15/20
B. Linear Equation ( Easy Version)
Given a linear equation of the form (A op B)/3 = X where A and B are two integers. op can be any on...
Moderate 5/7/17
C. Switch Digit
Given an array A with N elements, indexed from 1 to N. Now you will be given some queries in the for...
D. Multiplication of Divisor
Given a natural number, find the multiplication of all its proper divisors. A proper divisor of a na...
E. String Divisor
Now it's time to intorduce string divisor to the world. A integer x is string divisor of string S , ...
F. Journey By Train
Some contestants will be selected for ICPC Dhaka Regional 2019 from our university, in-sha-Allah. We...
Moderate 5/6/10
G. Limited Egg
This is an interactive problem Their is a building of 10000 floor. If an egg drops from the Nth flo...
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