Problems from SUB 2022 Season Contest 1

These problems are from a contest hosted on December 25, 2021 at 1:00 PM UTC. See details...

A. And, Or, Xor Fun
Little Karma likes circuits a lot. She always gets the highest marks in EEE. And this year there wil...
Moderate 9/20/62
In 2805, Human abandoned Earth and left for another planet to live. Wall-E is a trash collector robo...
C. Mourning Kingdom
Mourning kingdom has a tradition of observing a national day of mourning every year, on the death an...
Moderate 2/10/25
D. Love for Numbers
Protik loves numbers a lot. He always plays with numbers and try to do different things with them. H...
E. Power System 101
The power system is all about generators and the efficient distribution of generated power. One of t...
F. Biswa and Death
Everyday Biswa claims that he’s going to die that day and we believe that he’s going to come out acc...
Moderate 2/2/2
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