Problems from Ada Lovelace Online Programming Contest

These problems are from a contest organized by Bangladesh Open Source Network on January 10, 2018 at 12:00 PM UTC See details...

A. Hello Ada Lovelace!!
Ada Lovelace is a a well known female progammer. Her full name is: "Augusta Ada King-Noel Countess o...
Moderate 206/212/349
B. Happy Pairs
Rinku and Tinku are very good friends. They have got an Array A of length N with non negative intege...
Moderate 37/115/299
C. Kalbaishakhi and Interesting Number
'Kalbaishakhi' is very good at mathematics. She specially likes number theory. She calls a number, s...
Moderate 95/144/409
D. Meena & SUM
Meena is a CSE student and a good programmer. Her DLD (Digital Logic Design) teacher Mr.Raju is help...
Moderate 13/38/105
E. Area of triangle
Mr. Royal is a very good programmer. Geometry is his favorite topic. His granddaughter's name is Abi...
Moderate 75/103/273
F. Sort Sort Sort, How much?
Sanvi is learning Sorting. Sorting is basic algorithm in Computer Science. Sorting may either be in ...
Moderate 54/84/206
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