Problems from Ada Lovelace National Girls' Programming Contest 2021

These problems are from a contest organized by Bangladesh Open Source Network on December 10, 2021 at 4:40 AM UTC See details...

A. Expansion
The use of the central road in Utopia’s capital has increased by a great value in recent years. So, ...
reborn Moderate 3/7/11
B. Hirak Rajar Desh
Hirak Raja, the king of the country “Hirak Rajar Desh”, the conqueror ultimate, wanted to expand his...
C. Invite the Heroes
There are n cities numbered from 1 to n in a country. Two consecutive cities are connected by a bidi...
D. A Dog Ate My Homework
Leonhard’s math teacher loves prime numbers. As homework, the teacher gave Leonhard a number n, told...
E. Points
You will be given two-dimensional coordinates (x,y) of N points. Your task is to identify K points f...
F. Rina Loves Shopping
Rina loves discounts. Whenever she gets a chance, she goes shopping and looks for the discount offer...
G. Crypto Gift
Professor invites his n friends on his birthday. He wants to reward all of them and make them happy....
H. Fight Club Restored
The things you own, end up owning you. It’s only after we’ve lost everything that we’re free to do a...
I. Distinct List
Byteland has a network of n computers that forms a tree structure. A tree is a connected graph that ...
shefin Moderate 4/6/6
J. Unfair Contest
There is a company that is very famous for arranging unfair contests. They are arranging a new weird...
K. Nothing Is Absolute, Everything Is Relative!
You are given an integer array, A[] of size N, and an integer M. Then you have to perform a total of...
L. Division
Dhoni has a field divided into n×m squares of the same area. The amount of rice at each square will ...
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