Problems from IIUC Intra University Female Programming Contest Autumn 2021 (Senior)

These problems are from a contest organized by International Islamic University Chittagong on January 12, 2022 at 4:10 AM UTC See details...

A. Hardest Problem Ever!
The title may sound a bit confusing but this is the real deal! How to create a giveaway problem that...
B. Series Grid
A "series grid" S is a 2D grid having N rows and M columns. Initially, this grid contains first M od...
C. Make LCM Great Again
You are given an array A containing N integers. You are also given an integer X. You have to remove ...
D. Bit String
You are given a string S consisting of only 0s and 1s. It represents an integer number in its binary...
E. Sort the Permutation
You are given two integers N and Q. Here Q denotes the number of queries. For each query, you will b...
F. Beautiful Segment
You are given an array A of size N. This array contains a permutation of numbers from 1 to N. You ha...
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