Problems from AIUB CS Fest 2018 Programming Contest (Junior)

These problems are from a contest hosted on December 1, 2018 at 4:10 AM UTC. See details...

A. Welcome to AIUB CS Fest 2018
Welcome everyone to AIUB CS Fest 2018 Programming Contest. Let's see how fast you can solve the most...
Moderate 4/4/5
B. Green Zone
Six square tiles are laid down on the floor in 2x3 fashion. Each square tile's side length is a unit...
Moderate 1/2/3
C. Cats Numbering
Alice and Bob have cats, and they want to assign a distinct integer to each cat so they can easily i...
D. Prime String
Bruce Wayne loves string very much. His mum wants to buy a string as a birthday present for him. As ...
Moderate 1/1/2
E. Halum and Candies
Halum has three boxes arranged in a row. The first box currently contains A candies, the second one ...
F. Halum Paints
Today Halum found two things in the snow: a bucket of blue paint and a white rectangular grid with W...
G. Inception
Draw a square with side length A on a plane. Then, inscribe a circle in the square. Inscribe another...
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