Problems from Ada Lovelace National Girls' Programming Contest 2022

These problems are from a contest hosted on July 23, 2022 at 4:10 AM UTC. See details...

A. Counting Substrings
You are given a string t, a prefix p, and a suffix s. You have to find the number of distinct substr...
B. Bloom
"DALL·E 36FC" is a new AI system that can create realistic images and art from a description in natu...
C. Star
Faija loves to do art. She has a graph, which has n rows and m columns. She creates new art every da...
D. Next Smaller Element
You will be given a long array ar. The length of the array is n100 where n will be given. The first ...
E. Prime Divisor on Tree Path
You are given a permutation of P numbers which are 1 to P and a tree with N nodes each node having a...
F. Less Travel
Nishat loves traveling a lot. Currently she is in a newly independent country named NewKaly. She dec...
G. Ulta Masud
Mr. Masud is a superstitious executive of an administrative office in Wadia, and you have to bribe h...
H. Count the Co Prime Number
Wow, The statement is very clear, you are given an array A that contains N number of positive intege...
I. Complete Your Task
There are N girls in a class, having roll numbers from 1 to N. Each of them has some points Pi​ & a ...
J. MEX Revised
You are given an array (initially which is empty) and also given two types of operations: Given a ...
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