Problems from SUB Code-Byte Programming Contest v1.0 Mock

These problems are from a contest organized by State University of Bangladesh on December 9, 2021 at 9:00 AM UTC See details...

Justified Text
Given a long string of text, you will have to print it following these rules: Replace all consecuti...
A. Add Them Up
Read two integer variables, calculate their sum, and print it.
B. Squared
Given the length of a side of a square, calculate and print its area.
C. Alayna and Vowels
Alayna loves playing. Every night before going to sleep, she plays different games with Baba. Now Al...
D. Copycat
Read an integer variable and print it.
E. Oh No! Classes!
You will be given three pairs of integers, which denotes the starting and ending time in seconds of ...
F. Anita's Experiment
Little Anita is doing an experiment with herself. Everyday, depending on her mood, she determines a ...
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