Problems from BD Girls' Coding - Practice Contest 1

These problems are from a contest organized by Bangladesh Open Source Network on February 20, 2022 at 9:00 AM UTC See details...

A. Initial
Rudra likes to save money. At first Rudra had X amount of money which will double after one year. Be...
Samyoo Moderate 46/48/57
B. I Am With BdGCC
You have become a young female coder. One day you will be one of the greatest coders of the world. T...
C. Multiples
You are given two numbers n and k (k ≥ n). You have to output all multiples of n in ascending order ...
D. Reverse the Array
You are given an array A of n integers. Print the array A in reverse order.
E. Sum of Roots
You are given three positive integers a, b, c. Each of them is a perfect square. Let res = a + b + c...
F. Even or Odd
You are given an array A of n integers. Find out which of these numbers are even and which ones are ...
G. Area of Rectangle
The formula of calculating the area of rectangle is defined as A=W×H. Here A is area, W is width and...
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