Problems from BRACU Intra Programming Contest Fall 2018 (Senior)

These problems are from a contest hosted on September 28, 2018 at 9:00 AM UTC. See details...

A. Co-Prime Enemy Pair
Two integers A and B are known as co-prime or relatively prime if their greatest common divisor GCD ...
B. Easy Prime!
There are N numbers in an array. You will have Q queries. In each query, you can make 2 operations. ...
C. XOR Master
Imam has been participating in online programming contests for years. His goal is to become a "Maste...
D. GPA Calculator
Shibli is a very good student. He is very regular and attentive in his classes. He is very serious a...
E. Be Like Hasib
Hasib, the famous programmer, uses a little game when he teaches Binary Search to his students. He r...
F. Cut the Rope
Fahim is a rope seller. He has a special tool for cutting ropes. But recently this tool is behaving ...
G. Smallest Interval
Alice has a collection of N numbers. She would like to place them on a number line. She places each ...
H. Convex Hull Generator
You have to generate a convex polygon which has N points each Xi is distinct and is between 1 and N...
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