Problems from BRACU Intra University Mock Contest

These problems are from a contest organized by BRAC University on October 21, 2021 at 11:15 AM UTC See details...

A. The Battle of Street Food
Umair and Zuaina are food lovers. They love to eat everything they get on their way to work especial...
B. Squared
Given the length of a side of a square, calculate and print its area.
C. Jenia's Homework
Jenia is a very talented girl. She got homework from school. She is such a nerd who cries if she can...
D. Evodd
Write a program that takes an integer X as input from user and prints “The number X is even.” if it ...
Moderate 13/16/64
E. Who Is the Naag King?
Battle between two mighty programmers from BRACU. Who is better? Jaber Vai or Mukhter Vai? They are ...
Moderate 38/59/283
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