Problems from BRACU Intra University Contest Division 1

These problems are from a contest organized by BRAC University on October 22, 2021 at 10:10 AM UTC See details...

A. Fizzbuzz
You will be given a number N. You have to determine the output based on the given cases. Case 1: If ...
Masrur is suffering from a severe headache as a result of a long and exhausting contest day. He visi...
C. Mex
You are given n(1≤n≤105) balls, where the color of the i-th (1≤i≤n) ball is ai​ (1≤ai​≤105). You’ll ...
D. Sum of Product Queries
You are given an array a1​,a2​,…aN​(1≤ai​≤109 for 1≤i≤N) of N (1≤N≤105) integers, and Q(1≤Q≤105) que...
The name “ARK” comes from the name of three famous people whom you do not know. ARK is a very well-k...
Kabbya Very Easy 12/17/32
F. Sticks 2
Sanjida is very fond of collecting magical wands. Yes, like the ones Harry Potter used to have. She ...
Kabbya Moderate 8/15/31
G. Make It Simple 2
Nitun, a little boy, attends his first day of school. The authority issues a blue ribboned ID card t...
H. LS : GD
Introducing you with a new game - Lulu's strike : global defensive. In this game, you have to play a...
I. Find the Palindrome
Do you know what a palindrome number is? A palindrome number is a positive integer which when read r...
upobir Moderate 3/7/14
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