Problems from BroTecs Internship Contest

These problems are from a contest hosted on November 25, 2020 at 4:00 AM UTC. See details...

A. Swish and Flick
Albus Severus Potter, son of famous Harry Potter finally arrives at Hogwarts with a ton of expectati...
B. Corner Radius Problem
Imagine a square with a side a = 300 cm. If we round the corners of the Square with a radius r, what...
C. Salary
You will be given a string. You have to extract information of employee's worked hours number in a m...
D. Pyramid Problem
Given a positive integer n. The problem is to print the pyramid pattern as described in the examples...
E. Test the Coronavirus
Mr. Z is an employee of Brotecs Technologies Limited. He travels to the office from his home every w...
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