Problems from BSMRSTU Home Quarantine Contest - 2

These problems are from a contest hosted on May 2, 2020 at 8:30 AM UTC. See details...

A. Prime Team
There are n players standing in a line. Each of the players is assigned a unique jersey number. You ...
This is a straightforward problem without much story behind the problem. You have to calculate MEXF...
C. PUBG Lover Programmer: The Beginning
Sroud loves to play PUBG and does programming contest. He always thinks about converting gameplay to...
D. Alternative Subsequence: The Extension
Recall that the sequence b is a subsequence of the sequence a, if b can be derived from a by removin...
E. Erik: The Candyboy - 1
Erik has N candies, and he wants to distribute those candies among his friends. But he has more frie...
F. Erik: The Candyboy - 2
Now Erik has more candies than he had previously. In fact, he has infinite number of candies, and he...
G. Kingdom of Equality
There is a kingdom called DomKi. There are N cities and N – 1 bidirectional roads in DomKi. The citi...
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