Problems from BUET CSE Fest 2019 Inter University Programming Contest

These problems are from a contest hosted on January 25, 2019 at 4:00 AM UTC. See details...

A. Again LCS
You are given two permutations of the numbers from 1-N called P1 and P2. You are also given two inte...
B. Weird Graph
Anik got a directed acyclic graph with some weird properties. For Every node v of that graph in(v)≤1...
C. Group_Of_Extraordinary_People of ZUKIA
I am sure all of you are familiar with a specific group of people. For your own safety and so that t...
Moderate 5/6/65
D. All the Cuts
In a two dimensional plane, there are “R” red points, “B” blue points and “G” green points. These po...
Moderate 4/4/9
E. A Unique Array
An array is called "unique" if it has no consecutive element with same value(A[i] != A[i-1]). Given ...
F. Explosion
There is a house named Larcana. It is a very weird house. There are exactly N rooms in total and bet...
G. Bracket Sequence
You are given an N-dimensional array A. Each cell of this array contains either an opening bracket o...
Moderate 3/3/5
H. Is It Perfect
Bob has an initial array D of length n . Alice is a good friend of Bob. So Bob challenges Alice to f...
I. Maruo and the Sequence
Maruo has a sequece A = {a1,a2,}. Let us define a function func(A,l,r) which is the minimum...
J. Towers of Wadia
Admiral General Aladin has n watchtowers on a desert of People's Republic of Wadia. One of those wat...
Moderate 5/6/24
K. A Problem for String Lovers
Razin loves strings so much that his parents decided to buy him n strings for his birthday. But in t...
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