Problems from BUET Inter University Programming Contest 2023

These problems are from a contest hosted on July 28, 2023 at 3:15 AM UTC. See details...

A. Satisfaction
You have vacation for the next N days. Each day you will either create a problem or you will hold a ...
B. Peculiar Partitioning II
You are given an array a of length n. Each element of the array is a non-negative integer less than ...
C. The Very Last Exam
You have spent the last twenty years studying competitive programming. Now only one exam stands betw...
upobir Moderate 1/2/26
D. Festive Shuffling
You are given a binary string S and k distinct indices to perform an operation. The operation is lik...
E. Ankara Messi
It is Argentina vs Croatia in the football world cup semifinal of 2022 in a parallel universe. The f...
F. Chocolate
BUET CSE FEST’23 has come to an end!!!! Chimatu Can’t stop crying as he already started to miss the...
This task is simple. You will be given 2 positive integers L and R. Find the number of positive even...
H. Better Together!
There are N cities and initially 0 roads between them. You are the Civil Engineer (but a programmer ...
I. Reassemble
There are N posts in a line numbered from 1 to N from left to right. Each post i has a distance di​ ...
J. Eulers Peculiar Dream
After discovering the famous totient function ϕ(x) Euler got so fond of it that he applied it to eve...
K. Cold Rainy Night in Stoke
Night is ending. You have just got N points in 2D-coordinate plane in your dream. Wait! Things were ...
L. Gardening
You are given a tree with N vertices. Here, a tree is an undirected graph in which any two vertices ...
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