Problems from CGS Intra-School Programming Contest 2021

These problems are from a contest hosted on February 13, 2021 at 12:00 PM UTC. See details...

A. Captain Robert!
Captain Robert is a great leader. With his wonderful ability to make decisions and manage time, he h...
IFdi11. Moderate 5/16/47
B. Super Singer Sanjida :)
Super Singer Sanjida is one of the nicest persons you will ever meet. In fact, she is one of those p...
IFdi11. Moderate 5/15/35
C. Asifur the Mastermind
Asifur is a hide-and-seek mastermind. No one can ever escape from his eagle eye. He is playing hide-...
D. Mr. Umayer and His BESTAGONS!
Mr. Umayer is working on some chemical formation. He believes that chemicals and shapes that are reg...
E. Taylor Series of Function
In Mathematics Taylor series of a function is an infinite sum of terms that are expressed in terms o...
F. Pranta's Space Mission
Pranta is on a space mission. He wants to locate the exact positions of the alien quarters. For that...
H. Genius Jennyyy!
Jenny is a very genius girl. She got homework from school. She is such a nerd who cries if she can’t...
I. Big Mamu
Big Mamu is a very famous comedy personality in Bangladesh. He is a poet, a writer, a singer and an ...
CGS believes the assembly is one of the best ways to keep students updated about the upcoming school...
L. Deadpool VS Lord Voldemort
Deadpool is facing a fight with Lord Voldemort. Lord Voldemort has a wand that has a magical power o...
M. Ifdita Loves UFO!
I don't know about you but Ifdita loves UFO so much. She is always researching about stars, space tr...
N. CGS and the Social Experiment
CGS, recently took an outstanding initiative to run a social experiment on people. The aim of this e...
Q. Impossible!
The problem is so simple. You are given a string and you have to remove all duplicate characters fro...
Below is a grid; a grid with dots and asterisks. The dots are white spaces. The asterisks are, well,...
S. Maharaj and His Time Machine
Maharaj spent N days working really hard! He planned loads of tasks: as many as Ai tasks to do on th...
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