Problems from Code for Athoy - Contest for Saving a Life

These problems are from a contest hosted on June 5, 2020 at 12:00 PM UTC. See details...

A. Cone Inside a Cylinder
"The setter of this problem don't care aboutlarge stories" Straight to the point :- As you can se...
B. Roll It, Monu!
Quarantine days are becoming never ending. Honu and Monu spending their days playing Ludo. But Monu ...
C. The Longer, the Sooner
Mabi is the best friend of Nibbi. One day, Mabi got detention from school because he lied to his tea...
D. Heroes of Covid-19
The spread of COVID-19 is going beyond imagination all around the world and it’s posing huge challen...
E. Dynamic Tree II
You are given a tree containing N vertices. The vertices are numbered from 1 to N. A tree with N ver...
F. Tony's Childhood Math
Tony is a very bright kid and solves difficult math problems. He always bothers his father to give h...
G. GCD Express
Mr. LiuMiu is very much concerned about his security. So he installed two digital locks in front of ...
H. Anti Hash II
Given a base B and a modulo M, the polynomial hash of a string S consisting of only lowercase letter...
sgtlaugh Moderate 1/3/5
I. Brain Teaser
You are given the start and end point of N segments and Q queries of four types. They are: 0 x y, i...
J. Heartless Programmers?
“Always help someone, you might be the only one who does.” ~Unknown We all know how strong those w...
msabeer Moderate 6/16/60
K. Liar Ekka?
Ekka and Dokka are classmates. But Dokka doesn’t like Ekka that much because he often lies. One day ...
L. Thanks for Your Contribution
All my programming life I saw programmers being nothing but kind and helpful. Even the busiest and t...
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