Problems from CodeWare: Intra AUST Programming Contest Spring 2018

These problems are from a contest hosted on July 7, 2018 at 7:00 AM UTC. See details...

A. Juglu the Runners-Up Footballer
Juglu is one of the best footballer of AUST CSE. But he had never won the ‘Winning Trophy’ till now....
Moderate 4/13/59
B. Prime Summation
This problem gives you a positive integer number which is less than or equal to 100000 (10^5). You h...
Very Easy 31/48/101
C. What a prediction!
In world cup season we see predictions from amazing talented animals to predict winners of certain m...
Moderate 2/3/4
D. Yet Another Longest Path Problem
We all know shortest path problem, right? When we have to move to one place from another using the s...
Moderate 3/7/29
E. Strange Game
Shibli is very upset about early elimination of Germany from this world cup. So to cheer him up his ...
Moderate 52/57/78
F. Inside the range
You will be given two integers X & Y. Then you will be given another integer K. You have to tell whe...
Moderate 64/98/426
G. TikiTaka Snoozefest
Pavel Nedved, former prominent Juventus and Czech Republic Midfielder, decided to watch the second r...
Moderate 1/1/2
H. Not Argentina’s match
There are N (1 <= N <= 100) spectators to watch a match between South Korea and Japan. Each spectato...
Moderate 29/37/66
I. Angle Calculation
Techboy is watching the Quarter Final Match, Brazil vs. Belgium, of FIFA WORLD CUP 2018 on TV. At 90...
Hard 7/8/11
J. Goal History
This problem is for the Brazil fans. You will be given the goal history of Brazil in world cups. The...
K. Final !!
The knockout stage of the world cup has already begun and everyone is trembling with excitement for ...
Moderate 4/5/19
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