Problems from Codeware19: Intra AUST Programming Contest Spring 2019

These problems are from a contest organized by Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology CSE Society on August 28, 2019 at 7:05 AM UTC See details...
A. Magic Trick
Some times programming contest can be boring if you get stuck on a problem for a long period of time...
Very Easy 331/346/590
B. Cunning Comedian
Professor Mahir is developing some AI using some famous sitcom characters’ characteristics. The most...
Moderate 5/10/51
C. K-String
We will call a string K-String if it consists of K distinct characters. For example, if K is 3 then ...
D. Bad Cook
Mr. Meme has recently moved to a foreign country named "Gloryland" for study purpose. There, he has ...
E. Digit Printing
You will be given two numbers and an operation to do with them. You just need to print the output of...
F. Convert String Into Palindrome
A palindrome is a word, number, phrase, or other sequence of characters which reads the same backwar...
G. Buildings
There are n buildings in a row. The height of the i-th building is hi​. You have ৳k. It is the amoun...
H. Tour
Department of CSE students of the Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology loves to tour when...
Moderate 45/54/104
I. Help!
I want to solve a simple enough problem, but I am so so busy that I don't have enough time. So, coul...
Moderate 9/16/75
J. Interesting Pile Game
Turja and Akash are playing an interesting game. Initially a pile of N stones is given to them. Each...
DP Moderate 39/46/125
K. Phi Numbers in Range!
In number theory, Euler’s phi function, denoted as ϕ(n), is an arithmetic function which counts the ...
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