Problems from Coding Fever Round 01

These problems are from a contest hosted on May 21, 2020 at 3:30 PM UTC. See details...

A. hemel18681 and His Exam
hemel18681 is sleeping at home. He is passing his daily life happily. He wakes up late at morning, p...
B. Rabin's New Game
Rabin has invented a new game named--- WiselyDivision! Are you interested about his newly invented g...
C. Sadaf and His Trainer
Sadaf recently learned about some string operations. But he could hardly remember those operations. ...
D. Hada and Poda
Hada and Poda are two friends. Hada is saving some money from his pocket money for the last n days. ...
You have an array of size n. Now you have to print the probability of gaining a gcd g by taking k nu...
F. A Greedy Librarian
You went to a library to buy a book. There are n types of books in the library and every type of boo...
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