Problems from IUBAT CSE Battle of Intellects, Summer 2019 (Replay)

These problems are from a contest hosted on June 28, 2019 at 1:00 PM UTC. See details...

A. Too Easy
For a given array of A of length N, F(L,R,K) is a function that gives the minimum number of elements...
Moderate 16/21/52
B. Too Green
You are given a tree with N nodes. You have to assign values to the nodes in such a way that each va...
Moderate 2/2/8
C. Magical Warmness
Winter is Coming !!! Maisie the wonder girl have found a magical wardrobe. The wardrobe contains n t...
Moderate 13/16/43
D. Too Sleepy
You are given an array A of length N. The Energy of a subarray of A is the product of Min(Subarray) ...
Moderate 8/10/29
E. Too Deep
Given an array of integers A, you have to find a valid subsequence that has the maximal sum. A subse...
Moderate 3/3/5
F. Fitness Freak
Ray loves to eat pizza but he is also a fitness freak and to keep himself fit every time he goes to ...
Moderate 54/72/166
G. Maximal GCD
You are given N. You have to select a subset of numbers from the set of proper divisors of N, such t...
Moderate 2/14/44
H. Beautiful Path's
After a frustrating Codeforces Round, Omi - The Thor was walking in a lonely forest. "Life is gettin...
Moderate 15/26/75
I. Area of Triangle's
Naruto is a man of geometry. He is great with square, rhombus, circle and triangle. Nowadays he star...
Moderate 30/44/152
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