Problems from Programming Contest 7 (CSE-ian of BD)

These problems are from a contest hosted on August 10, 2019 at 2:00 PM UTC. See details...

A. One to Infinity Series....
While the English words "sequence" and "series" have similar meanings, in mathematics they are compl...
Moderate 20/102/363
B. Divisor Difference
If you have solved the previous problem, the problem setter is congratulating you. Now focus on your...
Very Easy 158/226/597
C. What Is the Time?
Rihan has an analog clock with no numbers 1,2,...,12, or any indicator that can tell what the time i...
Moderate 15/46/59
D. Shape of Quadrilateral
Atcoder is a name of famous online judge. Here lhe problem statement is described briefly. This prob...
Moderate 73/93/183
E. Paper Folding
Tonmoy has a paper of length L mm and height of H mm. For any of his purpose he wants to fold it. Bu...
Moderate 5/10/48
F. Sum of Products
Given a number N, find the sum of all products x*y such that N/x = y (Integer Division). Since, the ...
G. Inscribed Square and Triangle
Observe the following drawing: You’re given the area of the circle centered at L as in the image an...
H. Multiplicative Persistence
Multiplicative persistence proposes that any number can be expressed as a single digit number by mul...
I. Card Distribution
Four players want to play a game of cards. There are N cards with them. They can only play a game if...
Moderate 10/14/17
J. Super Easy
Try to solve while you are given an integer number..
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