Problems from CUET CSE Fest 2022 - Inter University Programming Contest (Divisional)

These problems are from a contest organized by Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology on December 10, 2022 at 4:30 AM UTC See details...

A. Enemy Charlie
Alice and Bob have stopped playing games. They became friends again. They both agreed that M is thei...
B. Same Parity Split
A tree is a connected graph without a cycle. Given an undirected tree with n nodes labeled from 1 to...
C. Yet Another XOR Problem
You are given an integer array a of size n. You need to select an integer K(0≤K<231) and perform the...
D. Lazy Division
You are given an array a of length n. You have to perform the following operation on the array q tim...
E. Distinct Numbers
This is an Interactive Problem. The judge has a secret array A of size n. You can ask the judge at m...
F. Luffy Will Become the Pirate King
Whitebeard is testing Luffy to see if he can become the Pirate King. Whitebeard has given Luffy thre...
G. The Last of Us
Your friend Herok loves Math so much. He is going to write some numbers on some paper. As he is your...
H. Least Complicated Mind
You are given an array A of N positive integers. You can do the following operation any number of ti...
I. Tour De Chittagong
The city of Chittagong can be considered a weighted directed acyclic graph (DAG) of n nodes and m ed...
J. A Moment of Happiness
Solving a problem during a programming contest is always a moment of happiness. During the CUET CSE ...
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