Problems from DIU CIS Day 2019 Programming Contest

These problems are from a contest hosted on October 12, 2019 at 4:25 AM UTC. See details...

A. DIU CIS Rocks
Today's world is ran by programmers, do you believe that? Well, we can't really do much about it if ...
Very Easy 133/134/163
B. Kacchi Biriyani and Mr. Khai Khai
Mr. Khai Khai is a well known petuk of DIU CIS. He's famous for the enormous record for eating Kacch...
Very Easy 131/132/137
C. CPU/Time limit exceeded
"CPU/Time limit exceeded" or "TLE" is a common verdict in Online Judges. It's basically used to indi...
Very Easy 127/128/159
D. El Duivel
There's a programmer in DIU named "el.duivel". Don't worry, it's just her CodeForces username. Peopl...
Very Easy 123/127/192
E. String Matching
Given two strings A and B of the same length. Both of them will only contain uppercase and/or lowerc...
F. They are snakes
I’ve heard people saying, “Some friends are not friends, they are snakes“. I never actually realized...
Moderate 78/95/172
G. Query Over Graph
Given an undirected unweighted graph with N nodes and M edges. Nodes are numbered from 1 to N. Nodes...
H. Sheldon’s Trouble!
Sheldon Cooper from “Big Bang Theory” is a theoretical physicist, a pure prodigy. Well, don’t get hi...
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