Problems from Father Timm Memorial Programming Contest 3.0

These problems are from a contest organized by Notre Dame Information Technology Club at NDC, Dhaka on January 14, 2023 at 9:10 AM UTC See details...

A. Battle of Brains
Do you remember Alice and Bob? They are fighting for glory in a battle game they’ve just bought. The...
B. Such an Odd Product
On his way home after a hectic day full of lab works, Tim found a sequence a1​,a2​,…,an​ of positive...
C. Beshiiiiiii Kore
One day at group-”NDC TOP 100” of Notre Dame College, the ICT teacher gave the a students' a task by...
D. Linear Programming?
Given the value a, b and N. Find the number of non-negative integer pairs (x1​,x2​) which satisfies ...
E. Efa & Her Array
Efa has received an array a1​,a2​,a3​,…an​ of n integers as her birthday gift. Her younger sister Ta...
F. Sorting Algorithm
Given an array A with N elements that is sorted in non-decreasing order. You will be given Q queries...
Nirjhor Moderate 4/4/11
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