Problems from Britannia University Game of Code 2019

These problems are from a contest hosted on December 12, 2019 at 5:00 AM UTC. See details...
A. বর্গমূল
In this problem, you need to find the square root a number. Both input and output of the program are...
B. Montu Mia and His Stars !
Montu Mia Loves to make stars in his handbooks. One day, Our Faculty Head Captures him making stars ...
C. Prime Counting Machine
A prime number is a whole number greater than 1 whose only factors are 1 and itself. A factor is a w...
D. Hush-hush Research
Bangladeshi government decided to do a classified research to find out the reasons & solutions to st...
E. Wait !!!
Wait !! Let me introduce to you The 5th Intra University Programming Contest titling The Game Code. ...
F. Back To The High School
16th of December is the Victory day of Bangladesh. It is a national holiday and is observed all arou...
G. Math Dilemma
Our Faculty Teacher Rita medam is very passionate about numbers, so for this contest, she gave you a...
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