Problems from IIUC CSE Fest 2019 Intra University Programming Contest (Junior)

These problems are from a contest organized by International Islamic University Chittagong on August 28, 2019 at 3:00 AM UTC See details...

A. Giving Away Chocolates
Professor X is a very kind hearted person. He always keeps lots of chocolates with him. But the stra...
Moderate 3/3/3
B. Powerful Four
Given an integer X and you have to find out what will be the last digit of 4X. For example say X = 2...
Moderate 55/77/284
C. Summations
You are given two arrays. First array a1, a2, . . . , aN have N integers. Second array p1, p2, . . ....
Moderate 74/88/191
D. Candidate Consonant
Alice and Bob are playing with string. Alice gives Bob a string S with the following information: S...
E. Area 51!
A regular polygon is a polygon that is equiangular (all angles are equal in measure) and equilateral...
F. Easy Multiplication
This problem is about multiplication . You will be given two integers A , B in Binary Number System ...
G. Gujob
You probably heard the name of 'Kababdesh', where people are very fond of kababs. Everyone live ther...
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