Problems from IIUC Intra Contest Spring 2019 (Senior)

These problems are from a contest organized by International Islamic University Chittagong on May 8, 2019 at 4:30 AM UTC See details...

A. Price of Pizza
Pizza has always been a staple on college campuses. After the downturn in the economy, it is more im...
B. Shortest Path
Now a day, some patriotic people (non politician) are interested to eradicate traffic jam problem of...
Moderate 3/3/5
C. IIUP Intra Contests
Mr. Flash is the key responsible for the Internal Contests in IIUP (International Institute for Util...
D. Coin Change(!)
Ahnaf, a six year old boy, arranged some coins following an interesting formula. The formula says, “...
Moderate 2/3/6
E. Game of Palindromes
In a popular computer game, Game of Palindromes also known as GOP there is a city called Palindesh. ...
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