Problems from IIUCPC 2020 Selection Contest

These problems are from a contest hosted on January 15, 2020 at 3:45 AM UTC. See details...

A. Odd Prime
Prime number seems to be trending topic for programming contest. As such, Piyash, being an aspiring ...
B. Decimation Operation
Being encouraged by XOR operation of binary numbers, Nanna Munna has decided to make a new kind of d...
C. K-Subarray
You will be given an array of length n. You need to divide the array in some part where length of ev...
D. Ratio
There are two equal-sized glasses filled with a mixture of water and syrup. The ratio of mixture of ...
E. Make them Friends
There are N students in IIUC numbered from 1 to N. They are divided into K groups. i’th group has **...
Moderate 3/3/3
F. Climbing Worm
An inch worm is at the bottom of a well n inches deep. It has enough energy to climb u inches every ...
Very Easy 26/30/35
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