Problems from Intra AUST Programming Contest Fall 2020

These problems are from a contest hosted on August 19, 2021 at 5:00 AM UTC. See details...

A. Game of Shells
Monstadt’s honorable knights are enjoying their summer vacation in a distant archipelago named Golde...
B. Othello
Who doesn’t love board games? During this COVID lockdown, we all are bored at home and need to enter...
pinanzo Moderate 5/5/5
C. Subsegment Search
Galib is the best algorithmist in Bangladesh right now! He challenged Faysal who is also an algorith...
D. The Total Score of an Array
Let’s say, min is the minimum element of an array and max is the maximum element of an array. The sc...
E. Circle, Circle, Circle...
There are 2 circles with the radius od=r and oc=R and they are sharing a common center o. The space ...
math10 Very Easy 17/31/99
F. Console
Now it is time for Intra Aust Programming Contest Fall 2020! Aust CSE 40th Batch is organizing the c...
edge555 Very Hard 15/15/22
G. Budget Tour
Dipu Bhai lives in a country called Chocoland. There are n cities in Chocoland. The cities are numbe...
H. Captain Shoaib : Civil War
Captain Shoaib is fighting against the zombies with his army. At some point, he realized that some o...
I. Again GCD Challenge
You will be given a number X. Now consider any sequence extra ordinary if its length is at least 2 a...
J. Last Game of Onslaught
Tashfiq and Alam have been on the same team for almost two years. Tashfiq often comes up with some r...
Tash52 Moderate 11/14/24
K. GCD Grid
You are given two integers N and M. You have to make a grid of N∗M size by following these rules: E...
L. Butterfly
A string is a butterfly string if it has a 0 at the middle of the string and at both sides of 0 ther...
khepa98 Moderate 137/169/801
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