Problems from Intra BUET Junior Programming Contest 2017

These problems are from a contest hosted on December 18, 2017 at 8:30 AM UTC. See details...

A. Meem in Memeland
In Memeland, the coin system is K based. It means, they can use all powers of K as denominations. Fo...
Moderate 2/2/16
B. A Lot Of Sequences
You will be given m sequences. For i th sequence, <p = align = "left"> Fi,0 = ai Fi,1 = bi Fi,n = ...
C. Nameless Problem
In this problem you need to find the G.C.D of some numbers. Since G.C.D between two numbers is too m...
Moderate 1/1/1
D. String Intertwine
E. bbq of gcd & sum
given two integers, x,y. you have to print two positive integers p and q such that GCD(p,q) is divis...
Moderate 1/1/2
F. Hi BUET !!!
Once upon a time, many years ago, there was a land named Bishaldesh. BUET (Bishaldesh University of ...
Moderate 2/4/9
G. This One Has A Special Prize
H. String Period
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