Problems from Intra CoU Programming Contest 2020

These problems are from a contest hosted on October 16, 2020 at 9:05 AM UTC. See details...

A. Birthday Present
Today is problem setter's best friend Jenny’s birthday. Long ago, Jenny, being a very clever girl, a...
B. The Attack Titan
Mikasa always wants to protect Eren at any cost. Even when Eren transforms into his “Attack Titan” f...
C. Tareq, SOD & Prime
Tareq loves Prime Number. A prime Number is a number that is only divisible by 1 and the number itse...
D. Stark Tree
“And I am the Iron man”… After, saying this line Tony Stark saves the world with his life. Before dy...
E. Optimarble!
You might be familiar with marbles from childhood having beautiful memories playing with them. For t...
F. Plus Ultra!!
UA high school is one of the most prestigious schools in Japan that aims to train future heroes in a...
G. Easier Than You Thought!
CSE Programming Club of Comilla University was created for the betterment of the students of Compute...
H. Pretty Diabolical
TRAOMBINNAA is going to be Billy Butcher's base for the next season of the boys. He is going to buil...
I. Sakuru Sankakkei
Shawon and Tarek are very good friends. One day Shawon gives his friend Tarek a geometry problem. Ta...
mohibur Moderate 6/8/14
J. See You Again?
Tareq and Shawon were two friends of the problem setter's. Many years ago, they died in a road accid...
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