Problems from 33rd Intra Eastern University Programming Contest, 2020

These problems are from a contest hosted on January 7, 2020 at 4:46 AM UTC. See details...

A. Short Distance Game
Nayan is standing on a multiplication table with infinitely many rows and columns. The cell (i, j) ...
B. Multiplication Table
Spider man has learnt the multiplication table, now he can multiply two integers between 1 and 10 to...
C. Level 1 Crook
You are given a permutation of size n. In one step, you can chose any number of pairs of index and ...
D. Score Inflation
You will be given q independent queries. In each query, you will be given two integers n and k. Yo...
E. Circle
Given an integer r. How many times is the area of a circle of radius r larger than the area of a ci...
F. Double String
You are given a positive integer N and a string S of length N consisting of lowercase and Uppercase ...
G. Small Boy
Alice is a 6 years old boy. He is going to get admitted to a school for the first time . The princi...
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