Problems from Intra KUET Programming Contest 2020 Mock

These problems are from a contest hosted on July 10, 2020 at 10:00 AM UTC. See details...

A. Football and ICPC
October month of year 20** has been wonderful for our department .One team from our department has j...
Very Easy 237/252/447
B. Maximum Multiplication
You will be given three integers a, b and k. You can perform one of the following two operations max...
Moderate 156/178/289
C. Reconstruction of Durbar Bangla
KUET has a liberation war sculpture. The name of the sculpture is Durbar Bangla. This is the heart o...
Moderate 79/92/151
D. Interesting Subarray
You will be given an array A of length N and two more integers K and X. You have to find the length ...
Moderate 80/88/173
E. A Journey to Rupsha
Tomorrow, April 14th, 2019 is a special day. Guess why. Bengali New Year? Your guess was partially c...
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