Problems from Intra SUST Programming Contest 2020 Preliminary 1

These problems are from a contest hosted on August 8, 2020 at 9:00 AM UTC. See details...

A. Find The Pairs
You are given a non-negative integer N. A pair(a, b) is called atomic if (a | b) = N ("|" means bitw...
B. Story of A4
You all know the A4 papers. But do you know why are they called A4 or why are they so special? Well,...
C. Restore Magic Rectangle
Random coder boy Kiny once had a rectangle (2D grid) as quarantine gift. Every random people have so...
ovis96 Moderate 5/16/38
D. 1 March 2023
Don't waste your time on the title. You will be given two vectors v1​​=x1​i^+y1​j^​ and v2​​=x2​i^+y...
E. Sayadpur City
Bob wants to visit a new country called sayadpur. There are N cities (1,2,3,…,N) in sayadpur, and th...
F. Beautiful Subsequences
You are given a string. You have to find the number of beautiful subsequences in the string. A subse...
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