Problems from Inter University Girls' Programming Contest Season 2

These problems are from a contest organized by North South University - ACM-W Student Chapter on July 19, 2019 at 5:00 AM UTC See details...

A. The Ultimate Giveaway
This is yet another story of Meena and her brother, Raju. Meena brought home 10 mangoes on her way b...
Moderate 3/3/3
B. Find The SCD
We all know about the Greatest Common Divisor of any two numbers, which in short is called GCD! But ...
Moderate 3/3/3
C. Sort The Array
You will be given an array A of length N. You can perform the following operation maximum once. Sele...
Moderate 3/3/3
D. Bangladesh
You are given a string. You can remove any number of character form the string and you can also swap...
Moderate 4/4/6
E. LHS equals RHS
In mathematics, LHS is informal shorthand for the left-hand side of an equation. Similarly, RHS is t...
Moderate 1/3/5
F. Who Is The Champion?
The ICC Cricket World Cup 2019 is over and we all know that England is the champion. Now, the demogo...
G. Rectangles in a Grid
You're given a rectangular grid of size N X M. How many different axis parallel rectangles are there...
Moderate 1/1/1
H. Monkey, Oiled Bamboo, Banana!
A monkey is trying to climb an oiled bamboo. The bamboo is vertically placed at the ground and infin...
I. A Game of Two Coins
There are N players (numbered from 1 to N) sitting around a round table. Player 2 is sitting at the ...
Moderate 16/20/61
J. Problem X
Alice and Bob are tired of playing boring games. Mr X is here to save them from this boredom. He giv...
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