Problems from IUT Intra First Year Programming Contest 2018

These problems are from a contest organized by Islamic University of Technology Computer Society on April 11, 2018 at 8:45 AM UTC See details...

A. Welcome To IUT: Batch 17
The Engineering departments of IUT are very new. But within this very short time(less than 25 years)...
Moderate 5/5/6
B. One String
Luffy loves playing with strings and prime numbers and he was very eager to find a problem related w...
Moderate 1/3/13
C. Mythical Lake
At the heart of Islamic University of Technology (IUT) lies a beautiful lake. For more than a centu...
Moderate 3/6/9
D. T-Virus
Little Pashmak has been feeling sick for some days. Her parents became worried as doctors were unabl...
Moderate 2/3/10
E. Brute Force
There are many ways to solve a problem. You can write some pretty, neat algorithms or you may also d...
Moderate 3/3/12
F. Rectacle
Given the length of AB and BC, find out the radius of the circle.
A decimal number is INCREDIBLE if it has the following properties : From left to right, the digit ...
H. Stairs
Najib, a baby boy, recently learnt how to walk. Now he's learning how to climb stairs. While climbin...
Moderate 1/1/1
I. Name Pending
Adil is a freshman at Islamic University of Technology(IUT). One fine day, he was out for a stroll t...
J. Surprise!
You have made it this far!!!! Aren't you a genius??? Assuming that you have either solved, or at lea...
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