Problems from National ICT Day 2017 Programming Contest

These problems are from a contest organized by Bangladesh Open Source Network on December 12, 2017 at 12:00 PM UTC See details...

A. Suffix Array is the Hardest Problem 😛
Given a string sequence S, a suffix array is an array containing start positions of all suffices of ...
B. Product Queries
You are given an Array A of length N . You have to perform Q operations in it. Let’s define P as a p...
Moderate 11/23/82
C. How You Can Help
Idea of the best marketing depends on how well a company can bring their product closer to customer ...
Moderate 23/39/109
D. Prof. Dr. DP and String
Aajob and Gajob are greedy students. Recently they learned dynamic programming. They love it so much...
Moderate 10/22/69
E. Simple Fidget Spinner
The Problem-setter has a little brother named 'Pokon', who is very fond of 'Fidget Spinner'. Pokon h...
Moderate 59/85/146
F. World Cup Fever
The FIFA world cup, greatest show on the earth, will be held next year. We all are eagerly waiting f...
Moderate 5/8/34
G. Fun With Prime Numbers
Strange number is a number which have only 2 distinct prime factors. 6, 12, 675 are Strange numbers ...
H. String of Digits
You will be given a string S of digits, you have to produce three numbers - A for Aswin, B for Biru ...
Moderate 4/10/19
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