Problems from National Girls' Programming Contest 2021

These problems are from a contest organized by Bangladesh Open Source Network on November 26, 2021 at 4:00 AM UTC See details...

A. Old Wives' Game
Kadambari wants to test the brains of the new bride Mrinalini. So she proposed the infamous Old Wive...
B. Once Upon a Time in Dhaka
Dhaka is one of the mega cities of Bangladesh. At different times, Dhaka was entitled differently by...
C. Odd Query
A subsequence is a sequence that can be derived from the given sequence by deleting zero or more ele...
D. Give Me My Vector
I am in a hurry. I have n 2D vectors. And I have created all possible subsets of these n vectors. Fo...
upobir Moderate 3/5/42
E. XOR-Gun
YouKn0wWho has an integer sequence a1​,a2​,…,an​. He will perform the following operation until the ...
F. Matrix Resurrection
We have a two-dimensional matrix consisting of N rows and M columns. The rows are numbered from 1 to...
G. Lucky Number Seven
People often consider the number 7 as lucky. “But why?” - you might ask. Well, consider the fact tha...
H. Help Dr. Wu
Dr. Wu is going to organize a competition. He has decided to judge the participants using an automat...
I. Trina Loves Mangoes
Trina loves mangoes. And she is a valuable member of the famous Mango Eaters Community. This communi...
ovis96 Very Easy 8/13/57
J. Permutation Query
An array of integers p1​,p2​,....,pn​ is called a permutation if it contains each number from 1 to n...
K. Perhaps Strings Are Inevitable
Strings are inevitable in life. They give meaning to our expressions. Strings come in life in many w...
Hasinur_ Moderate 5/6/32
L. Puzzle of 1's and 0's
There is a rectangular puzzle board containing N×Mnumber of places. Each place contains a number: ei...
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