Problems from National High School Programming Contest 2020 - Preliminary

These problems are from a contest hosted on June 25, 2020 at 9:00 AM UTC. See details...

A. Simple And
You are given a tree containing $N$ nodes. The nodes are numbered from $1$ to $N$. The root node of ...
B. Himi's Negligence
Himi is a very nice girl but also very lazy and inattentive to her studies. So, her tutor decided to...
msabeer Moderate 4/5/6
C. Placing the Repeater
You are the mayor of a city named "HoZoBoRoLo". As the name suggests, the city is pretty weird. But ...
D. Fighting Over a Duster
There are two sections in Toph school and college named section A and section B. Recently the studen...
E. Big LCM
Let, BLCM(a,b) be the smallest positive integer which is divisible by all integers in range [a,b]. G...
F. Sum of Medians
You will be given an array of size $n$ where all elements of the array are pairwise distinct. You wi...
G. Interactive GCD
This is an interactive problem. Alice and bob are playing a game of Interactive GCD. The game engine...
H. Playing With Stones
Kolu was playing with $N$ piles of stones. His target is to make all piles equal within $M$ moves, p...
I. Code Generator
Disha has a string $S$. In one second, Disha can choose a subsequence from $S$ that make the word “c...
J. Prime Spiral
You have to make a 2-D spiral square $N \times N$ grid with prime numbers. Sounds complicated? Well,...
K. Game of Guessing Her Password!
This is an interactive problem. Like everyone, Nubu the random coder girl, has a secret password. On...
L. Osim's Maze
Welcome to Osim's maze! Unfortunately, you are in the maze right now and you want to come outside th...
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