Problems from ProgKriya July'18

These problems are from a contest hosted on July 7, 2018 at 12:00 PM UTC. See details...

A. Concatenation of Perfect Squares
You are given a positive integer number. You have to determine whether this number can be represente...
B. Coin Toss
Sanvi is playing with a coin in which number 1 is written on the top side and number 0 is written at...
C. Simple Pyramid
You are given a pyramid with a polygonal base. Can you calculate the volume and surface area of the ...
D. Biswa and Borhani
Biswa has started Borhani (kind of a soft drink) business recently and made it the new sexy in no ti...
E. Gifted
Mary is an intellectually gifted 7-year-old girl. On her first day at school, she impressed her math...
F. Easy Path
There is a rectangular lake with N rows and M columns and you are standing on a stone in the top lef...
G. Broken Chain
Jahid loves Motorbikes. He really wants to have a bike of his own. So he requests his elder brother ...
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