Problems from 4th PSTU Independence Day IT Carnival 2019

These problems are from a contest hosted on April 30, 2019 at 4:20 AM UTC. See details...

A. Level 1 Crook
You are given a permutation of size n. In one step, you can chose any number of pairs of index and ...
B. War and Peace
In the 5th world war, all the countries in the world were in war against each other. After the WWV e...
C. Mission Hexa
Function f(x) returns a binary number started with 1 followed by x trailing zeros. For example: f(2)...
D. Digita And Numbers
Digita got a new task with two numbers A and B .She has to make two numbers N and M so that the diff...
E. Minimum Distance
A tree is an undirected connected graph, not containing cycles. The degree of node x in the tree is ...
F. Stretching Hands
Once upon a time, an elderly man and an elderly woman lived. One day, the elderly man went to a moun...
G. True Heir of Iron Throne
Queen Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals, the Rho...
Moderate 1/1/17
H. Paris Road
On a shiny day of summer, Hekmot was sitting idle in paris road. Suddenly he noticed Selim , a frien...
Moderate 1/1/1
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