Problems from SCB-PA Inter School and College Programming Contest 2019 Mock 1

These problems are from a contest hosted on September 22, 2019 at 1:00 PM UTC. See details...

A. That's 1 Minute See You Tomorrow
You may heard the name of Nas Daily, a Facebook page by a travel video blogger Nuseir Yassin. He cre...
B. Count the Chaos
Imagine, you have an array of integers of size N. At each index of this array is a unique integer fr...
C. Exponential Growth
You will be given two integers X and N, you have to calculate XN modulo 1000000007.
D. Boys in the Assembly
N boys are standing in the assembly. There is a single line only. Boys are denoted by their roll num...
E. Mystery of Fibonacci
Fibonacci sequence is a recursive sequence that depends on the following definition: Fib(N) = Fib(N-...
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