Problems from SCB-PA Inter School and College Programming Contest 2019 Mock 2

These problems are from a contest hosted on September 25, 2019 at 1:00 PM UTC. See details...

A. Be Famous With Mr. Hukka
Mr. Hukka is an ambitious guy. He always tries to make his name in the famous list. But somehow this...
Moderate 28/140/375
B. Big Problems have Short Solutions
Every bigger problem has a simple solution! Do you believe that? Let’s prove it! Here is a code, you...
Very Easy 149/264/781
C. Sort Them Out
You will be given N integers, each of the numbers will be in the range from 1 to 1000. Then you will...
Moderate 122/159/256
D. Life of Phi III
In this problem, you will be many queries containing two integers u and v (1<=u<=v<=106). You have t...
E. Maximize the Cut
You will be given an array of N integers. You are allowed to take numbers from any of the ends of th...
Very Easy 50/115/358
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