Problems from Scintilla Science Club Programming Contest 2018

These problems are from a contest hosted on March 18, 2018 at 10:15 AM UTC. See details...

A. Straw Hats Pirates
After reaching raftel, the straw hat pirates found a special problem, This time they could not solve...
B. Sigma and her problem
In mathematics, σ(n) denotes the sum of all divisors of an integer n. For example, σ(15) = 1+3+5+15...
C. Game Theory?
Farhan is very good at chess.He always beats anik. So Anik has invented his own game. There will a s...
D. Magic Everywhere !!!
Have you heard of 'Magic Circle's ? Magic Circles are circles with center (x,y) and radius r, where ...
E. The setter is a Loser
The setter is a big loser as the other setters said so, so let's start with three definitions to pis...
F. One Piece
New world is like a tree of N nodes. Celestial Dragons want to divide this world into several region...
G. One More Easy Problem
Finally , the long awaited National Math Olympiad began. But as the Olympiad started, judges and pro...
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