Problems from SEC Intra Campus Programming Contest, CSE Fest 2020

These problems are from a contest hosted on February 19, 2020 at 6:02 AM UTC. See details...

A. Who Is the Organizer?
In Sylhet Engineering College a lots of events take place. Some events are oraganized by a single or...
B. Welcome to SEC CSE Fest 2020
We are very glad and eager to inform that Department of CSE in association with SEC CSE Society is g...
Moderate 2/2/2
C. Kitchen Decorate
Shira has now decided to decorate her kitchen of height H and width W more precisely, she wants to t...
D. Mr. Zero
Mr. Zero has a matrix Z consisting of m rows and n columns. The rows are numbered from 1 to m, colum...
E. Easy Factorial?
It is time to show your performance on number theory. Why so late? Come to the point. You are given...
F. Magical Tree Query
You are given a rooted tree (a connected graph with no cycles) with n vertices. The vertices are num...
G. Police Stations
Recently the government of country S is going to construct some police stations(possibly zero) in so...
H. The Greedy Mathematician
Once upon a time, there lived a man called Mahi the mathematician. He was banned from his kingdom be...
I. Subway Surfers
Jake is a character of a well-known game named Subway Surfers. He is being chased by police because ...
J. Aliens
19 February 2020, Unidentified flying object (UFO) has captured student’s attention on top of the CS...
K. Powerful Array
You are given an array A of N integers . Now you have to process Q queries in this array. Each query...
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