Problems from STEM Fiesta Girls Programming Contest

These problems are from a contest organized by STEM For Super Girls on August 28, 2020 at 9:00 AM UTC See details...

A. aEreN's Robots
It's year 2059, and robots have become a common thing to find in almost every house. Most of them ar...
B. Keyboard Jam 1
Have you ever wondered why your keyboard letters are not organized in alphabetical order? There is a...
C. Candy Mama
Candy Mama has a lot of nephews. As children are very fond of candies, he decided to motivate them t...
D. Keyboard Jam 2
This is a slightly different version of the previous problem (Keyboard Jam 1). You may have solved t...
arfin97 Moderate 1/2/2
E. Wonder Girls
"Wonder Girls" is a startup software company that is working for women empowerment. They are recruit...
msabeer Moderate 1/1/2
F. Bibaho
After Quarantine Jorina is getting married! Yesss!!! She is very excited but also very tensed. How w...
G. Prime-Subarray
Let's not waste your time with long tiring problem statement and just go straight to the point. You ...
nesarjony Moderate 1/1/1
H. STAR WARS: JEDI Needs Help!
Far, far away from our Galaxy, the Empire led by Palpatin is in great danger. Rebels led by JEDI are...
as_couple Moderate 1/1/1
I. Ordering the Life
Life is challenging. What makes it more challenging is that, there are a lot of distractions and it'...
msabeer Moderate 1/1/3
J. Dream Come True!!! ^_^
Once upon a time, there was a girl named Abby who had a zeal for programming. But whenever she expre...
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