Problems from STP Coding Test 31 Dec 2020

These problems are from a contest organized by SELISE Bangladesh on December 31, 2020 at 9:00 AM UTC See details...

A. Game of Points
There are n points in the plane, the ith of which is labeled Pi and has coordinates (xi,yi). We know...
B. Alice and Numbers
Alice has this weird obsession with numbers. She always comes up with these weird problems for the S...
C. Stop and Run !
Have you watched the movie “Forest Gump “ ? There’s a famous quote “Run! Forest, Run!” Belal has rec...
oorpib Moderate 20/24/41
D. Grid Lover
Sana loves to play with grid problems and claims herself as the best grid problem solver. So, Mina c...
E. Scripting Machine
Nahid has his own printing press, “Desher Khobor” . He feels that words on their own simply aren't b...
oorpib Moderate 37/42/60
F. Shedule Matching
Nobel, the famous programmer.Now he tries to arrange some programming class for his university junio...
G. Min Value
You are given an array of N integers and q queries. In each query you are given an integer value x. ...
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